macOS / Productivité
# Plain Text
PlainPad is a clean editor for plain text files. With its extensive default settings, PlainPad offers a wide range of options for customizing the writing environment to suit your own needs and preferences. Whether quick notes, ideas, tasks or extensive texts, PlainPad offers an environment for any kind of writing work to put thoughts into words.
## Versatile Editor
PlainPad offers extensive setting options for the editor. In addition to font, font size, font color and background color, the font color and background color for selected text can also be set. In addition, settings are available to change the spacing between lines and margins as well as a special area to adjust the cursor.
## Opening Files
PlainPad can open all simple text files without detours, e.g. files with the extension css, csv, h, html, m, md, markdown, php, txt, swift, xml and many more.
## Remove text formatting
PlainPad makes it easy to remove styles and formatting from text.
* Copy Paste
Paste the desired text into the clipboard and copy it into a PlainPad document. The pasted text is automatically stripped of any formatting.
* Import text documents
Existing text documents with formatting can be easily imported into PlainPad. All formatting is removed so that only the plain text remains. PlainPad supports the import of text from the following document formats: txt, rtf, rtfd, html, doc, docx, odt
## Other special functions
* Write without saving
Just want to write something and close the window again, but the save dialog is annoying? The save dialog can be switched off in the settings of PlainPad.
* Always in the foreground
The document always disappears behind other windows when you are working in other applications? With the “Always in foreground” function activated, the document always remains in view.
* Text encoding
PlainPad can handle a variety of text encodings and allows you to select which encoding should be used when opening, saving and creating.
## Support for various macOS technologies
* Versions? You decide!
PlainPad supports the versions function of macOS, which can be used to restore a previous save point. However, in PlainPad's settings this feature can be deactivated if desired and thus provide the saving behavior of previous macOS versions.
* Tabs
The tab function for PlainPad can be activated via the main menu under Windows (macOS 10.12 or newer).
* Full screen mode
PlainPad supports full screen mode. To avoid having to edit the text across the entire width and height of the screen, the working area can be reduced via the settings to create a comfortable writing environment.
## Questions?
For more information about MarkMyWords, visit Xelaton.com. There you can also send me a message in case of problems or questions via the contact form!
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
## General:
- many internal changes and adjustments to improve compatibility with newer macOS versions
## Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in the text editor that led to display errors under certain circumstances